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The art by Eugeniusz Bro¿ek


By treating the human beings as if their talents and skills have to develop harmoniously we are very often wrong.

However, it is not so simple. Some outstandingly intelligent and well-read person can have any artistic talents. Whereas, a beggar can be a remarkable painter or an "ordinary man" -superb writer, musician or poet...

...And so it is with the paintings by Eugeniusz Bro¿ek from Sêdziszów. Such paintings have never been painted by anyone else. These are Bro¿ek's paintings and just show me 100.000 various paintings by various painters and I will always recognize which ones are Bro¿ek's and which ones are somebody else's. Bro¿ek creates his own world, which is recognized by coloration, the way of interpretation the subject, drawing, so generally by all those things which can be called "poetry" of the work. At the same time, in his paintings we can find the atmosphere of fairy tale and the combination of the elements of contest with complex level of decoration. It allows us to think about the background of "folk" beauty which is supported by need of space organization according to symmetrical, harmonious and rhythmical rules which are felt intuitive. The reality presented by Bro¿ek consists of well known elements ordered according to painter's own imagination. Visible and invisible world is mixed; devils and angels roam on the sky and look into the houses as truly as hens, horses, countrywomen in skirts or soldiers capturing Berlin.

The painter Bro¿ek likes the pleasure of life and he is always very imaginative. However, his life is not so easy and it cannot be because Bro¿ek's paintings differ from paintings of other amateurs. When other painters are in an open air they only observe the nature whereas Bro¿ek looks at the landscape and paints in its own style. He acts like that. Differently? Actually, everyone who behaves in a different way is regarded as a freak...

...However, Eugeniusz Bro¿ek is not regarded as an odd person. As he is only "naive" in his paintings which are more and more beautiful.


The Polish Academy of Sciences
The fragment from the "Naive Art" ("SZTUKA ZWANA NAIWN¡")
Krupski Publishing House, 1993


L'art d'Eugeniusz Bro¿ek


'Nous sommes souvent dans l'erreur quand, en regardant un homme nous croyons que toutes ses dispositions et talents croissent harmonieusement.

Quelqu'un d'intelligent et cultivé peut etre privé totalement des talents artistiques, tandis qu'un mendiant vagabond peut s'avérer un excellent peintre et un homme "commun", excellent écrivain, musicien ou poete.

C"est bien le cas des tableaux d'Eugeniusz Bro¿ek de Sêdziszów. Personne n'a encore peint de tels tableaux. Ils sont propres a lui seul.

Montrez-moi 100 000 tableaux différents et je distinguerai les seins sans peine. Bro¿ek crée son univers que nous reconnaissons par ses couleurs, par sa façon d'interpréter le sujet, par son dessin et généralement par la poésie de son oeuvre. Nous y trouvons une ambiance particuliere d'un conte ou s'embrassent harmonieusement l'histoire et les décors. Ceci nous permet de sentir un arriere plan d'esthétique "populaire".

The painter Bro¿ek likes the pleasure of life and he is always very imaginative. However, his life is not so easy and it cannot be because Bro¿ek's paintings differ from paintings of other amateurs. Il a besoin d'organiser l'espace conformément aux principes de la symétrie, de l'harmonie et du rythme qu'il ressent intuitivement. Chez Bro¿ek la réalité est composée d'éléments bien connus mais l'auteur les dispose suivant les exigences de son imagination. Les deux mondes, visible et invisible, se fondent, les anges et les démons se promenent au ciel, dans des habitations aussi "vrais" que les poules, les chevaux, les "babas" en costumes régionaux ou les soldats entrant a Berlin.

Bro¿ek aime la vie et ses plaisirs. Sa fantaisie se laisse sentir toujours. Et pourtant sa vie n'est pas facile et ne peut l'etre, contrairement aux autres "amateurs" qui observant la nature "en plein air".

Lui, s'assoit sur son tabouret, regarde devant lui... et peint. Il imagine, c'est cela qu'il veut. Est-il différent? Au fond, quand on a le courage d'etre soi-meme on est différent, mais souvent on en paye un prix bien amer. J'espere que cela ne lui arrivera pas car Bro¿ek n'est "naif" que dans ses tableaux. Il peint de mieux en mieux des tableaux de plus en plus beaux.


The Polish Academy of Sciences
The fragment from the "Naive Art" ("SZTUKA ZWANA NAIWN¡")
Krupski Publishing House, 1993


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